Contact Lenses And Glasses

iSight Vision Care
Ophthalmologists & Optometrists located in Fountain Valley and Huntington Beach, CA
Dr. Vicki Lin at iSight Vision Care in Fountain Valley & Huntington Beach, California is dedicated to providing you with optimal care for your eyes. iSight Vision Care offers a diverse selection of contact lenses and glasses, while providing personalized recommendations for your eye health. Our optician is able to cut some prescriptions in the office, allowing us to provide same-day service.
Contact Lenses and Glasses Q&A
Contact lenses vs. glasses?
Choosing between glasses and contact lenses is a lifestyle choice, as each has its own benefits. Eyeglasses can be a fashion statement and provide protection from UV rays, dust, and computer glare. However, contact lenses provide better peripheral vision and can be more comfortable while doing sports. Dr. Lin can provide her expertise in helping you decide what works best for your lifestyle.
What are rigid gas permeable lenses?
Rigid gas permeable (GP) lenses are hard contact lenses that allow more oxygen to reach the cornea than most soft contact lenses. They're made of a durable hydrogel that is oxygen permeable, keeping the cornea healthy. Because they are rigid, they provide better vision correction compared to glasses and soft contacts. They resist deposits and do not harbor as much bacteria as soft contacts do.
What are scleral lenses?
Scleral lenses are a type of gas-permeable contact lenses specifically designed for those with irregular corneas, ocular surface disease, keratoconus, severe dry eye syndrome, or other eye problems. These contacts lock in saline solution between the cornea and the contact, providing constant lubrication and comfort throughout the day. Another advantage of scleral lenses is that they remain in place and do not dislodge from the eye easily. Due to complete coverage of the cornea, scleral lenses provide more comfort than any other vision correction options.
Schedule an appointment with Dr. Lin to discuss which lenses may be right for your lifestyle.
Major Insurance Providers Accepted
At iSight Vision Care, we accept most major vision insurance plans. Here is a short list of just some of the most popular plans we accept. Please contact our office if you do not see your insurance provider listed.